

Time to reactivate my blog. I can’t believe, I didn’t write on this blog for more than a year.  I wrote on another blog in polish (because that was easier for me). I want to come back. There are some changes in my life. For example I opened my shop on Etsy. I do craft and try to sell it.

Happy New Year 2013

I didn’t write for a long long time. Year 2012 was sometimes very hard for me (constant migraine headaches),  but quite good. I spent a month in Poland, met my family and friends. Adaś started kindergarten, I have more time now. There was a couple things I would like to change, so a new year is an opportunity for me. I believe, next year will be a good time. I will do, what should be done, I will learn what I should know, I will take care of myself and family, I will play more with my kids, I will eat better food, I will swim and bike, I will be more crafty than ever and finally I will be healthy. I know it.

I wish you all that your dreams will come true, I wish you health and happiness.


Valentine Day Concert

Boys Scout indoor camp

In the meantime, Dominik and his dad had a indoor camp with other scouts and their fathers.

Memories of winter

We have spring already, flowers on the trees, sunshine (when is not rainy). Because I love winter, I am tempted to insert some photos of winter.


I do not know what should be the title of today’s entry. After such a long break in writing, when I have so much to show and write. Christmas passed in a joyful atmosphere. The house was beautifully decorated, cakes smelled. Children try to be very polite, because they wanted to find gifts under the Christmas tree. We had a wafer, Christmas dishes, a lot of sweets (the first time in my life I baked poppy seeds cake). My husband has read the Bible. And then … you know: GIFTS :-). We started a new tradition. Usually, I and the children go outside and look for Santa and reindeer. This year Santa Claus put presents under Christmas tree night before Christmas Eve. Before kids got their gifts they had to do some job according to age (children).When the task was completed, they still couldn’t open them (they had to wait until all family members will get theirs).
I got Kindle touch and now I carry a small library in the bag 🙂

New Year Eve was nice to. I even purchased a dress and shoes for this occasion (I prefer to wear jeans an t-shirt).

I started a New Year as I wanted. After coming home from a party, I took shower and read book in my clean, quiet house. I had time for my family and friends and time for me. This is a good omen for next year.
Writing about what happened in December, I should mention about Winter Concert.

On You Tube I found a song I like most:

In December we also Celebrated Mikołajki in Polish Home in Seattle.

Adam was in a bad mood.

December was a time to say (hopefully temporary) goodbye to good friend.

M = Me, A = Adam

M: Adam, are you hungry?

A: What kind of food we have?

M: I asked only if you’re hungry.

A: But what kind of food we have?

M: I didn’t prepare lunch yet. I just want to know if you’re hungry.

A: I’m going downstairs to see what food we have.

M: Adam, wait. I prepared nothing yet. I asked whether you’re hungry, because if not, I’ll cook something later.

A: I do not know if I’m hungry, maybe yes, maybe not.

M: Grrr. Adam if you’ll find out what’s for lunch, you’ll know whether you’re hungry or not?

A: Yes

M: It means only that you are hungry for what you like and if you don’t like some kind of food very much you are not hungry now?

A: Yes

M: Adam, I’m curious, for what are you hungry 🙂

A: Strawberry cereal with milk and coffee grain (polish grain beverage)

M: Phew, it’s cool. The whole pasta with spinach is for me;-)

A: Woooooooooow, Paaaaastaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!! I want strawberry cereal with milk, grain coffee and pasta.

M: If you eat my pasta, what with me;-)?

A: You will be hungry

M: Eeeeeeeeeeee, I do not want to be hungry.

A: Well, eventually you can eat pasta (more than I will eat).

Fortunately, the pasta was enough for me and Adam. My son also ate strawberry cereal with milk and drank his grain coffee.

I found this recipe several years ago on one of vegetarian forum

We need:

  • 2 cups millet
  • water
  •  about 2 lb potatoes
  • 2 onions
  • little wholemeal flour (you can also use bread crumbs)
  • salt
  • pepper
  • oil

Rinse millet in cold water (using mesh strainer). Put into a pot, pour 4 cups water and cook slowly until grain will be soft and you will not see water in a pot. Boil the potatoes and puree, chop onions and saute. Combine all ingredients together, add a little oil, salt and pepper. Shape into patties and coat in flour. Bake at 350 F until golden brown on both sides. Of course you can fry, add the herbs and spices – whatever You like.


Potato is a perennial belonging to the nightshade family. Beginning of its history to be found in the Andes, where it was domesticated about 8,000 years ago. Potatoes were brought to Europe by conquistadors who in the thirties of the sixteenth century fought for Peru. Potatoes are one of the world’s most important foods today. According to USDA figures, Americans eat about a potato a day. One in every three restaurants meals includes potatoes.


  • Sweet taste
  • Mild diuretic effect
  • Contains large amounts of carbohydrates present in the form of sugars
  • Reduce inflammations (except in some arthritic conditions)
  • Source of complex carbohydrates
  • Has a 2% protein
  • Contains vitamins

Potatoes juice has antibiotic properties, helps lower blood pressure, and treats stomach and duodenal ulcers. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, enzymes and minerals, also supports the creation of beneficial intestinal flora. Just beneath the skin there are significant amounts of manganese, chromium, selenium and molybdenum.

1 cup baked potato with skin contains 133 calories and:

  • Vitamin C – 15.74 mg
  • Vitamin B6 – 0.42 mg
  • Copper – 0.37 mg
  • Potassium – 509.96 mg
  • Manganese – 0.28 mg
  • Tryptophan – 0.04 g
  • Dietary fiber – 2.93 g

From 10 to 50% of a potato’s potassium may be lost during boiling; steaming, baking, and frying do not significantly reduce the potassium.


don’t eat potatoes  with sprouts (“eyes”) or any green flesh or skin; thet contain the poisonous alkaloid solanine.

Sailing song


My favorite song (lyrics and music by Jerzy Porębski), performed by Krzysztof Malinowski.

I miss Masuria, sailing and beer in a bar near the port.